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Sunday, April 24, 2011

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Friday, April 22, 2011

I Hope This Gets To You

The Daylights-I Hope This Gets To You

Why do feminists hate Sarah Palin?

“It’s such an insult. Having someone who looks like you and behaves like them — who looks like a friend but behaves like an adversary—is worse than having no one." - Feminist Gloria Steinem on Sarah Palin

You`d think that feminists applaud Sarah Palin since she has achieved what feminists claim they want to achieve - more self-confident and assertive women in important positions. But since the majority of feminists insult and smear Palin we must conclude that the current agenda of Feminism has nothing to do with womens rights.. Its funny how the majority of feminists dont consider Margaret Thatcher, Ayn Rand or Condi Rice role models either. It was because of this that I finally woke up and realized that Feminism is not interested in seeing women succeed. Its more interested in disseminating left-wing propaganda that paints all men as sexist and racist tyrants.

The dictionary definition of Feminism: "a doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men". But iff this were the true agenda, Palin would be accepted as a role model of Feminism.

FL author has interspecies sexual affair with a dolphin and gets banned from radio show

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